Showing posts with label Yorkshire Terrier. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yorkshire Terrier. Show all posts

Friday, November 26, 2010

This blog is so mean!

I'm am extremely sorry I can't even put it into words! I know I said I would try to post every week and as you can see, it didn't turn out that way. I don't want to make excuses, but I need to explain me self, and it is going to sound like excuses. First, my laptop crashed so that defiantly doesn't help! Then, I tried to post and I couldn't remember my email! So I had to go through all these things to get my email, the password, my sign-in name, and my sign-in password. Then of course everyone knows we are in the midst of the holidays so everyone is busy. Today is Black Friday so I went out for a lil' shopping and I decided to post since I'm not home, and nothing is distracting me. Oh, and everytime I try to sign in to post on my computer at home it takes me to some crazy help page and I can't post! Sometimes technology, sometimes!!! Again, I will try to post more often if I can figure it out! So sorry everyone! I think pretty soon I'm going to just share with everyone what I got for my family for Christmas. Then, once my birthday and Christmas passes I wanted to share things I got from family. I really don't want some people thinking "Oh my gosh, why is she telling me!!" or "Man, she's full of herself!" The reason I want to share is to give people ideas to give people, and I know I personally love to know what people got for their birthdayor Christmas. So let me know what you think about that! Ok, so that's the end of this blog post. If you have any questions email me at then follow me on twitter Hope everyone has good holidays!!!
Kirstyn Downey

Monday, November 1, 2010


As you can see by the title of this blog and the actual website name this is all about Yorkies. I am head over heels in love with Yorkshire Terriers and even though I do not have a furbaby I hopefully am getting one in December. I am a member of the best website in the world If you love Yorkshire Terriers like me become a member of the site and PM me or leave a visitor message just saying hi! Oh I almost forgot to mention my screen name is Kdgd14!
When and if I get a Yorkie pup I will be posting updates all the time on her. I want to either rescue her from a shelter or get her from petfinder from somebody who can not keep them anymore. I want to name her Stella Barbara, or Stella Faith. Stella because of Stella McCartney becuase I have another dog named Coco Chanel and I want to stay with the designer names. Then Barbara because I had a "babysitter" that died in 2009 and she was more of a grandmother to me. I loved her so much and I thought having her middle name be Barbara would be perfect.
I will also be posting dog training tips because my Cocker Spaniel/Poodle mix is very well trained and I want to become a dog trainer. I hope to be posting every week but that might not happen because of school and my personal life. But, I will try to post as often as I can.
If you have any requests of what you want me to post email me at